Maybe you're like me? I'm really good at a lot of things, and housekeeping isn't one of them.
Nonetheless, this time of year I get an itch for some spring cleaning. Finally opening the windows after months of super chilly temperatures, getting summer clothes out, and putting winter blankets away is the best feeling. Don't you love kicking up some dust and starting the season off as fresh as the new leaf buds popping out of the trees?
Here are 4 ways to make spring cleaning awesome:
1. Mend it!
As you were trading summer clothes for winter did you find clothing that needs to be fixed before you can put it away or wear it? It's time to got to the tailor's or bust out the needle and thread. It's like a new wardrobe just magically appears after a little bit of work. Here's my Pinterest board full of mending tips, tricks, and tutorials. And for a video of me showing you how to sew on a button, go here.
But if it's your Upitees that need mending (sometimes a bobbin is just wonky and stitches come out), well, fill out this form and we'll send a prepaid envelope your way to ship them back so we can fix them up and get them back to you lickity split. I don't want your Upitees to be out of commission before their time!
2. Upcycle it!
And if, like me, you're putting away all the heavy sweaters and getting out the sundresses and you notice some tees that you haven't worn in eons but can't bear to part with... Why, we know what to do with those too...
And we're even running a 3 for 2
Spring Cleaning Special! Use the coupon code "Spring" (no quotes) for
3 pairs of these undies, and you'll only be charged for 2 through the end of March.
3. Organize it!
Normally I'm all "Clutter bugs unite!" but I do know that being disorganized costs time and emotional energy. Sometimes I look around and wish I knew what to do with stuff. I look at a pile think of 14 different ways/places it could be put away, get paralyzed and the pile stays... So, I waded through tons of really crappy organization tips to find these that I thought might actually make a difference in our lives... :)
Solid strategies for actually organizing (and sticking with it) your closet here. The flow chart at #12 is a good place to start! :)
How to and inspiration for wardrobe minimalism here.
Paperwork tips here.
Hiding eyesores here.
Frugal storage ideas here. I just hate when people tell you you need to buy all sorts of things to get organized. I would much rather spend my dollars on an awesome meal with friends or some fabulous handmade undies (wink).
And last but not least, 4 super easy ways to actually keep new habits. Find everything on my Pinterest board here.
Follow La Vie en Orange's board Work It: Organize me! on Pinterest.
4. Clean it!
Using natural cleaning supplies! Not only do you get to keep the super caustic stuff out of your house, it never ends up in our environment and water ways either! And when you use your own essential oils to scent it, it smells how you want it to smell (like lavender, not a pine forest!). Here are a few recipes from Mountain Rose Herbs to get you started.
Mountain Rose Herbs makes fabulous essential oils, so I trust their recipes. So far, I've made the Super Surface Spray and the essential oils mostly mask the vinegar smell (but I think after a while you get used to vinegar smelling like clean, not pickles :)). It seems like the spray required less elbow grease than my formerly normal Mrs. Myers Clean Day spray... Winner winner!
Are you feeling inspired for some spring cleaning? Have any tips of your own to share? Please comment below!
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