Not Your Average Granny Panties: A Tale of Custom Underwear

Grammie's Nightgowns

January and Gwen had special plans for Grammie's nightgowns

Have you ever had a good idea, and then someone else piggy backs on it into the stratosphere? Best feeling ever! 

I love the nostalgia of making your new favorite underwear out of your old favorite tshirt, but twin sisters Gwen and January reached out with an even more touching and special idea. 

Gwen explains:  "In late July [of 2012] my dearest grandmother ("Grammie" as we called her) passed away. My entire family went up to say our goodbyes and go through all her belongings. We sat in a hotel going through her pants, shirts, and nightgowns crying as we looked at each piece. 

"When my sister picked up one of Grammie's favorite nightgowns and cried because they still smelled like her, I knew we had to hold onto these special pieces of clothing. My sisters and I remembered her wearing these special garments and just could not part with giving all of them to Goodwill. But they were old fashioned nightgowns and not a size that we could wear."Animal print shirts and undies

Grammie's animal print shirt turned into some seriously special granny panties


"Then I remembered Kori's site on Etsy 'Underwear out of your favorite old t-shirt shirt.' She advertised that she could make underwear out of your own personal shirts. I just knew we had to try to do this. Our Grammie always recycled and reused things (and was constantly on us about doing the same) so what better way to honor her then to recycle her nightgowns and shirts into pieces her granddaughters could wear for a long time." 

Grammie & January at a Halloween party | La Vie en Orange 

Grammie and January at a 2006 Halloween party

January continues:  "Kori was very sensitive to what we were wanting to accomplish. She was very sweet and willing to turn our Grammie's cherished items into fantastic underwear that my sister and I could wear for a long time. 

"When I received my first pair it was better then I had ever imagined. I knew the moment when I put them on that my Grammie was looking down on me and so proud. Not only would her memory live on in the underwear, but the fact that we recycled something would have made her even more proud." 

January called me "the underwear angel that was sent to our family when we were in need of uplifting. Seeing what she did with my Grammie's underwear has brought a smile and happiness to us when we needed it the most!"Acorn shirt and granny panties

Gwen was excited about this pair being done in time for Halloween- Grammie loved the holiday and often wore this shirt in the fall.

I couldn't have imagined a more touching and special project. It meant so much to me to be a part of this process with January and Gwen. I was so honored that they would trust me with their beloved Grammie's nightgowns. I loved opening the packages with the nightgowns and hearing about Gwen and January's memories of their grandmother. To be invited into this journey of grief and joy felt like a gift.  It was around the same time that I lost a mentor, and working on this project for Gwen and January helped me grieve Gary and celebrate his life the way January and Gwen were grieving for and celebrating their Grammie.

Gwen and January's Grammie panties

It's like the Brady Bunch of undies!

To January and Gwen:  thank you for inviting me to be a part of something so meaningful in your lives.  I'm beyond thrilled by your response and my heart smiles thinking about your Grammie looking down on you.

To you, dear Reader, if this story strikes a chord or if undies that honor someone's life and preserve their clothing get you thinking, please comment below or be in touch via email at xoxo

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October 19, 2012


Size Chart