A Year of Going Bananas

A Banana Cheer for you by Kori of La Vie en Orange

My business is celebrating its first birthday this week!

The weird thing is, I wouldn't have noticed if it hadn't been for the Girls on the Run of Puget Sound auction I attended tonight. It was just in time for last year's Girls on the Run auction that I launched my Etsy site and printed my first La Vie en Orange business cards and donated a sewing lesson for four.

And I found myself in a similar place again this year.  I'm thisclose to having my own [dot]com... And I made more business cards with the new url (still teasing because I'm planning on doing a big reveal with a giveaway in the next week or so...), and donated another sewing lesson package.  

Such a funny moment of déjà vu.  

And such a lovely opportunity to think of all I've done in the last year- growing a business, getting married, very nearly almost buying a house.  Wow!

And then there are the Banana Cheers. A Girls on the Run energy award staple. Girls on the Run is an after school program for 3rd-8th grade girls. In a nutshell, it uses the power of movement (running, skipping, cartwheeling, you name it) to teach lessons on self-esteem, self-respect, healthy living...  

An energy award is something the girls in the program give to one another for any reason- being supportive, helping one another out, you name it...

The Banana Cheer holds a special place in my heart.  It is my favorite energy award (and one of many).  One that I still do at the office from time to time, even though it's been years since I worked for GOTR.  

It's also maybe the energy award that I brought from Kalamazoo to Seattle when I moved.  For reals- Girls on the Run of Puget Sound did not have the Banana Cheer before I moved here...  

And I love that the girls in Seattle (check out their video here) love it as much as the girls in Kalamazoo.  And I have done at least four Banana Cheers today thinking about all the good and joy in the world and in the last year.  

And for your support, I give you your very own Banana Cheer! Thank you for the support you've shared in the past year.  For the joy and comments and creativity and business and awesome.  :)  

And in addition to the Banana Cheer, use the discount code GoBananas to get free shipping in my Etsy shop until April 15!  :) Where has the past year taken you?  I'd love to hear!  Please comment below :) xoxo

2 Responses


September 22, 2015

I LOVE this video :) so cute :)
And congrats for your Business first birthday! so exciting!! sounds like you had a great year full of excitements!
I love reading about all the good causes that you’re supporting, that really tells something about the person you are :)

As for me, I opened my Etsy shop a year and a half ago and this year I’ve opened my Israeli shop, I got exposed locally and in a few more days I’m going to be published in a maternity and baby’s guide…
Hope that will make my business running :)

La Vie en Orange
La Vie en Orange

September 22, 2015

Adiya! Congrats on your upcoming inclusion in the maternity guide! So exciting- I hope it sends lots of traffic your way :)

Thanks too, so much, for your support! It’s so encouraging to hear that you like hearing more about what I’m up to… :) xoxo

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April 06, 2012


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